Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy I

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Knowledge of compounds from the primary metabolism and of compounds from the secondary metabolism synthesized by the acetate and by the shikimate pathways, as well as of drugs containing them. Specifically, it is intended that the student acquires knowledge of natural products with therapeutic activity and active principles with pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food interest, or of its toxicity, derived primarily from plant species. The student will get an overview of the various ways of using plant species or other natural raw materials (source of active molecules for direct use in industry, molecular basis for obtaining other active compounds, auxiliaries for pharmaceutical technology) and acquire knowledge on techniques used on their quality control.


1. Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy concepts

2. Use of natural drugs in therapeutics

3. Microscopic analysis of plant drugs

4. Compounds of the primary metabolism

4.1. Carbohydrates

4.1.1. Monosaccharides

4.1.2. Oligosaccharides

4.1.3. Polysaccharides From bacteria and fungi From algae From vascular plants Homogeneous Heterogeneous

5. Compounds of the secondary metabolism

5.1. Acetyl coenzyme A and metabolites synthesized by the acetate pathway

5.1.1. Quinones

5.1.2. Orcinols

5.2. Shikimic acid and metabolites synthesized by the shikimate pathway

5.2.1. Simple phenols and phenolic acids

5.2.2. Coumarins

5.2.3. Lignans

5.2.4. Diarylheptanoids, arylalkanones and stilbenes

5.2.5. Xanthones

5.2.6. Flavonoids

5.2.7. Tannins

Teaching Methodologies

Blended-learning: supporting material will be available in the e-learning plataform of U.Porto.
Theoretical education: 2h/week.
Laboratorial education: 2h/week.


Bruneton, J. Pharmacognosie, Phytochimie, Plantes Médicinales. Ed. TEC & DOC, Paris, 4ª ed., 2009.

Costa, A.F. Farmacognosia, volume III. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 3ª ed., 2001.

Proença da Cunha, A. Farmacognosia e Fitoquímica. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 4ª ed, 2014.

Farmacopeia Portuguesa IX.



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 26 hours
  • Teóricas - 26 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 75%
  • Laboratory component: 25%