Contemporary History of the Azores

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1 - Understand the process of transplantation of late-medieval models to the islands; 2 - Identify the similarities and differences between the Azores and metropolitan structures; 3 - Understanding the political events, social and cultural factors that characterize the transition, the Azores, form the Old Regime to the contemporary as well as political and ideological tensions that characterized the evolution of the Azorean society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with emphasis on the identity and autonomy problems; 4 - Acquiring personal skills (reasoning skills, critical awareness) and specific in the historical science (collection of bibliographic and documentary sources and critical analysis of available literature, development of tests on program content).


The program is divided into three main parts, arranged in chronological and thematic sequence. The first part will address the peopling of the Azores, the sequent implementation of political, economic and administrative as well as the socio-cultural dynamics. The second part dwells on the transition of the Azores from the Old Regime to the present: economic, social and cultural rights. In political and administrative terms, it will give special importance to adherence to liberalism and the new administrative organization of the Archipelago with the tripartite division into districts. The third section will explore topics such as the autonomist movements of the late nineteenth century and first third of the twentieth century, regionalism, identity and autonomist claims, the geostrategic importance of the Azores in the world wars of the twentieth century

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures - focused on the exposure of the teacher, with the presentation of the main approach to the perspectives of program content. Lectures interactive, focused on student participation, with guidance from the teacher, based on methods of analysis, interpretation and criticism of texts and other documents relevant to the issues under study. Promoting dialogue, emphasizing the "recovery" of knowledge gained, not only during the course of the study but, whenever possible, with the call for interdisciplinarity and the importance of "general culture" in the success of university education. The evaluation will be ongoing, focusing on the involvement and participation of students in the contact sessions, and periodic, including the submission of a written documentation from the municipal or regional archives or consultation with the local press and a written test..


CORDEIRO, Carlos, Nacionalismo, Regionalismo e Autoritarismo nos Açores durante a I República, Lisboa, Salamandra, 1999.
DIAS, Fátima Sequeira, Uma Estratégia de Sucesso numa Economia Periférica. A Casa Bensaúde e os Açores. 1800-1873, Ponta Delgada, J. Cultura, 1996.
JOÃO, Maria Isabel, Os Açores no Século XIX. Economia, sociedade e movimentos autonomistas, Lisboa, Cosmos, 1991.
LEITE, José Guilherme Reis, Política e Administração nos Açores de 1890 a 1910. O 1º movimento autonomista, Ponta Delgada, J. Cultura, 1995.
MATOS, Artur Teodoro de; MENESES, Avelino de Freitas de; LEITE José Guilherme Reis (dir. científica), História dos Açores. Do descobrimento ao século XX, 2 vols., IAC, 2008.
MENESES, Avelino de Freitas de (coord.), Das Autonomias, à Autonomia e à Independência. O Atlântico Político entre os Séculos XV e XXI, Ponta Delgada, Letras Lavadas, 2012.
SILVA, Susana Serpa, Violência, Desvio e Exclusão na Sociedade Micaelense Oitocentista (1842-1910). 2 vols., Ponta Delgada, CHAM, 2012



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours