Introduction to Language Study

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1. Promote reflection on the nature and manifestations of language.

2. Understand the complexity of the concept of human language.

3. Recognize the universality of linguistic knowledge.

4. Encourage recognition of Grammar as knowledge representation language.

5. Identify Grammar and the respective components such as knowledge representation language.

6. Relate the plurality of linguistic expressions within the same national territory.

7. Apply the plurality of semiotic systems in the communicative process.


1. Human language and particular languages.

1.1. Language forms.

1.2. Specificities of human language: cognitive and biological aspects.

1.3. The world's languages: language families.

2. Knowledge of the language.

2.1. Universality of linguistic knowledge.

2.2. Grammar as knowledge representation language.

2.3. Components of linguistic knowledge: phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic and semantic.

3. Variation and linguistic change.

4. Communication and use of language.

4.1. Regulatory factors of communication.

4.2. Communicative competence.

Teaching Methodologies

The lecture method will be applied, appealing to the participation of students with oral presentation of their own investigation about the syllabus’ topics.

In practical classes, will be presented concrete examples, either by the teacher or by the students; the topics studied in theoretical terms will be complemented with the practical realization with training work sheets .

The following methodologies will be present:

1. Conducting oral presentations about the fundamental concepts included in the syllabus;

2. Application of acquired knowledge in concrete examples;

3. Promoting discussion on issues relating to human language, the natural language and its uses.


AKMAJIAN, Adrian et alii (1990). An Introduction to Language and Communication. Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press.

CARVALHO, J. G. Herculano de (1979). Teoria da Linguagem. Coimbra, Coimbra Editora Lda.

CHOMSKY, N. (1986). Knowledge of Language. Its Nature, Origin and Use. New York, Praeger. Trad. Port. O Conhecimento da Língua. Sua Natureza, Origem e Uso. Lisboa, Caminho, 1994.

CRYSTAL, D. (1987). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambrige, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Sydney, Cambridge University Press.

FARIA, I., E. PEDRO, I. DUARTE e C. GOUVEIA (1996). Introdução à Linguística Geral e Portuguesa. Lisboa, Caminho.

FROMKIN, V. e R. RODMAN (1983). An Introduction to Language. New York, Holt Rinehart and Winston. Trad. Port. Introdução à Linguagem. Coimbra, Almedina, 1993.

JAKOBSON, Roman (1963). Essais de Linguistique Générale. Paris, Editions de Minuit. Trad. Port. Linguística e Comunicação. São Paulo, Editora Cultrix, 12.ª ed., 1985.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 40%
  • 2nd Frequency: 40%
  • Attendance, formal oral presentation in class: 20%