Laboratory of Sociology I

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To provide students, at the end of is undergraduate studies, with a space for research, application and intervention, within the framework of supervised teaching, for the application of the acquired knowledge, through the development of a research project in articulation with the course of Laboratory of Sociology II:

1. Strengthen the knowledge of models approach to objects of study that, by questioning, problematization and construction of project, assist the student in acquiring skills to conduct independent research processes;

2. Assist the student to identify the best planning procedures that facilitate the feasibility and management of research projects;

3. Promote practices and procedures of methodological application to assist the student in the correct identification of the qualitative and quantitative models that best fit the objects of study;

4. Assist the student to find the best ways of integration and complementarity of these models in their research.


1. Research designs
2. Adequacy of the research methods
3. Practice-oriented research

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies are focused on the transmission of some theoretical concepts about research design, literature review and the construction of hypotheses as well as in guiding/supervisioning the work of the students.


Albarello, L. et al. (1997), Práticas e métodos de investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva. (UA-SD301.08 P925)

Almeida, J. Ferreira e Pinto, J. Madureira (1995), A investigação nas Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Editorial Presença. (UA-SD301.0 A448in)

Azevedo, M. (2003), Teses, relatórios e trabalhos escolares: sugestões para estruturação escrita. Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora.

Bell, J. (1997), Como realizar um projecto de investigação, Lisboa, Gradiva. (UA-SD301.08 B381c)

Booth, W. C. et al. (2000), A arte da pesquisa, São Paulo, Ed. Martins Fontes. (UA-SD 001.8 B715a)

Boudon, R. (1970), Os métodos em Sociologia, Lisboa, Ed. Rolim. (UA- SD301.08 B775m)

Bravo, R. Sierra (1998), Técnicas de Investigación Social. Teoría y Ejercicios. Madrid, Editorial Parainfo.

Champagne, P. et al. (1998), Iniciação à prática sociológica, Petrópolis, Vozes.

Quivy, R. e Campenhout, L. V. (1998), Manual de investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 35%
  • Project: 65%