Modern history of Portugal

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1. To know the main frames of thinking and organizing society and institutions in Portugal throughout “Modern Times”.

2. Understand the meanings of “Modernity” in the History of Portugal between 1470 and 1810.

3. Become sensitive towards the specificities of these centuries by getting familiar with their terminology and concepts.

4. Improve instrumental competences (analyse and synthetize) and specific historical skills (realize dynamics and permanences mechanisms).

5. Learn how to develop a research archive work based on sources from 17th century (notarial documents) and how to combine manuscripts and bibliography in the same study.


Four sequential periods between 1470 and 1810 will be studied:

1. From D.João II till the Iberian Union

2. From Dual Monarchy till the 17th century’s crisis

3. From “Restauração” till Pombalism

4. The decline of the Ancient Regime

Three big themes will be analysed for each period:

1. Political and economic events

2. Institutions and ideologies

3. Society and culture

Teaching Methodologies

Presentation, by the teacher, of main themes, problems and general guidelines. Analyse and comment of texts and other materials. Coordination in the classroom of individual works, in order everyone to share situations and learn. Insistence on reading a lot of published texts concerning the period. Big availability of the teacher to direct and to clear up doubts either face to face, in more than a schedule, or by e-mail.


AZEVEDO, Carlos Moreira (dir.), Dicionário de História Religiosa de Portugal

_________ , História Religiosa de Portugal

BETHENCOURT, Francisco, CHAUDURI, Kirti (dir.), História da Expansão Portuguesa

BOUZA ÁLVAREZ, Fernando, Portugal no tempo dos Filipes

CARDIM, Pedro – Cortes e Cultura Política

GODINHO, Vitorino Magalhães, Ensaios II

HESPANHA, António Manuel, História de Portugal Moderno

MACEDO, Jorge Borges de, História diplomática portuguesa

MARQUES, A.H. de Oliveira, História de Portugal

MATTOSO, José (dir.), História de Portugal

MAURO, Frédéric , Portugal, o Brasil e o Atlântico (1570-1670)

OLIVEIRA, António de, A vida económica e social de Coimbra de 1537 a 1640

RAMOS, Rui; SOUSA, Bernardo Vasconcelos e; MONTEIRO, Nuno Gonçalo, História de Portugal

SERRÃO, Joel (dir.), Dicionário de História de Portugal

SERRÃO, Joel; MARQUES, A.H. de Oliveira (dir.), Nova História de Portugal



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 30%
  • Work on handwritten sources and conjugation with bibliographic readings: 70%