Art History in Portugal

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Subject favors the analysis of artistic concepts and plastic definitions, dominant in Portugal between the Middle Age and the Contemporaneous Epoch, aiming to establish relations with artistic movements of the Occident.

1. Identify artistic movements in Portugal.

2. Characterize these artistic movements since the Middle Age to the 20th century, comparing to the European artistic movement.

2. Relate the artistic phenomenon with the Portuguese historical reality.

3. Identify some of the main Portuguese works of art.

4. Recognize some of the main Portuguese plastic artists

5. Understand the ancient Portuguese aesthetic works to approach them to the contemporaneous problematic of national art.

Know specialized bibliography and historiographical problems of greater relevance within the period and the referred thematic;

Develop the capacity analysis and interpretation of documentary and iconographic sources essential to the study of History of Arts.


1. The Portuguese Middle Age Art: the Romanic style: characteristics of religious architecture and sculpture. The Gothic: from the origin to the matureness in Portugal. Sculpture. Military and civil architecture. The Manueline style; symbology and ornament. “The Portuguese Primitives”.

2. From the Renaissance to the Mannerism: The architecture and the decor role. The sculpture of the 16th and 17th centuries. The “Chão” style and the Mannerist architecture. Painting.

3. The Baroque – the illusion art: Architecture and decorative arts. Painting and tile

4. Neoclassicism and Romanticism Echoes in Portugal: Lisbon of Pombal and Oporto of Almadas. Vieira Portuense and António Domingues Sequeira. The Stock Exchange in Oporto and the Palace of Pena.

5. Second half of the19th century: The “Leão Group” and the naturalist triumph. Symbolism and expressionistic lines. Art Nuveau.

6. The 20th century: from the modernist precursors to the eightie.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical and practical classes, being favored the analysis and comparative study of different aesthetic proposals, with the support of audiovisual means and the analysis of some of these. It will be used methods focused on professor (oral presentation ) and active methods focused on student ( oral presentations and debates in class).


CORREIA, J. E. Horta, Renascimento, Maneirismo e Estilo Chão, presença, 1991.

DIAS, P., A Arquitectura Gótica Portuguesa, Estampa, 1994.

FRANÇA, J.A., A Arte em Portugal no Século XIX, 2 vols., Bertrand, 1966.

IDEM, Lisboa Pombalina e o Iluminismo, 2ª ed. Bertrand, 1977.

IDEM, A Arte e a Sociedade Portuguesa no Século XX, 3ª ed., Livros Horizonte, 1991.

HORTA CORREIA, J. E., Arquitectura Portuguesa. Renascimento, Maneirismo, Estilo-Chão, Lisboa, 1991

KUBLER, G., A arquitectura portuguesa chã,Vega, 1998.

PEREIRA, J. F., A arquitectura barroca em Portugal, Lisboa, 1986

PEREIRA, P. (dir.), História da Arte Portuguesa, Círculo de Leitores, 1995.

Rodrigues, D., Arte Portuguesa, Da Pré-História ao século XX, FUBU. Lisboa, 2008.

SERRÃO, V., História da Arte Portuguesa - Renascimento e Maneirismo, Presença, 2002.

SERRÃO, V., História da Arte em Portugal – O Barroco, Presença, 2003.

Silva, J. H. P., Estudos sobre o Maneirismo, Estampa, 1986.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 45%
  • 2nd Frequency: 45%
  • Attendance, class participation and preparation of short reading sheets: 10%