Molucular Biology

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1 Recognize the MB as a pillar of scientific research in Biology

2 Recognize and distinguish the structure, organization and function of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome

3 Integrate the phenomena of maintenance and transmission of genetic information

4 Understand the specific mechanisms of genome regulation and its implications for gene expression

5 Integrate and identify the mechanisms of regulation of the genome and gene expression and epigenetic modifications

6 Explain the gene expression control: DNA modification mechanisms of transcription, postranscriptional and post-translational regulation

7 Understand a) the failure of the control cycle system b) the function of tumor suppressor genes c) the mutations molecules of intracellular signaling pathways, growth factors and their receptors

8 Analyze the interdisciplinary study of the structure and function of the genome and its relationship to expression proteomics, their metabolic, physiological and pathophysiological consequences


1 Introduction to Genetics and Molecular Biology - The objective of BM

2 Revisions of Basics of Molecular Biology

Structure, organization and transmission of genetic information

Replication, Transcription and Translation

Regulation and post-transcription modifications, Expression

3 Mechanisms of regulation of gene transmission

4 Study of the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation

Structural and functional bases of Epigenetics splicing mechanisms and biological significance

5 Molecular bases of Genetic Mutations and Cancer Mutations

Mutations that confer or remove functions

Oncogenes and Proto-oncogenes inherited mutations of tumor suppressor genes

Changes in signaling pathways controlling cell cycle and development

Changes in growth promoting proteins

6 Molecular Biotechnology and Biomedicine

Cloning techniques and their biotechnological use cloning and expression vectors

Restriction enzymes

7 Main techniques in MB - recombinant DNA. RT-PCR. complementary DNA

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical approach associated with the analysis and discussion of integrative themes of the theoretical and practical concepts.

Each topic of the program will be provided a presentation on PPT and bibliography, necessary for the interpretation of the theme.

Students are encouraged to participate in class, exposing your questions and discussing among themselves (and the professor) the topics covered.


Biologia Celular e Molecular 1999, 2005 Ed. C. Azevedo, Lidel, Porto.

Brown, T 2000/2001 Essential Molecular Biology: A Practical Approach Vol. I e II, Practical Approach Series, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.Brown, T 1995 Gene Cloning: An Introduction, Stanley Thornes Pub, Lda, Cheltenham

Brown, T 2010 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction, Whiley‐Blackwell, Oxford

Alberts, B, et al. 2002 Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Science, N York

Darnell, J, et al. 2006 Molecular Cell Biology, Sc. Amer. Books, W.H. Freeman, N York

Stansfield, W, J Colomé e R Cano 1998 Biologia Molecular e Celular, MGraw‐Hill, Lisboa

Lodish, H et col. 2004 Mol. Cell Biology, Ed. Freeman, N York

Vincent, R 2010 Génétique Moléculaire, De Boeck & Larcier, Bruxelles

Maftah, A e R Julien 2003 Biologie Moléculaire, Dunod, Paris

Maftah, A, J Petit e R Julien 2003 Manuel de Biologie Moléculaire, Dunod, Paris

Tagu, D e C Moussard 2003 Principes des Techn. de Biologie Moléculaire, INRA, Paris



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Evaluation of Theory-Practice: 25%
  • Theoretical evaluation: 75%