Political Science

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The main educational goals to be achieved are the clear comprehension of operational concepts of Political Science and to have a good perception of the methodology to be applied when dealing with political analysis. It’s also very important that the students are able to gain general knowledge on the core streams of political thought and are able to comprehend all of the political processes of the States, with special focus on rational choice theory and decision-making theory and all the factors related to these two components of Political Science.


1. Introduction: semantic approach to Political Science;

2. Basic assumptions of Political Science;

3. Theoretical Framework;

4. Applied research methodology in Political Science;

5. Research Techniques in Political Science;

6. State and Society: concept, development and evolution on the State;

7. Introduction to the history of political thought;

8. Power: shape/organization within the State;

9. Power: where does it reside?

10. Ideology.

Teaching Methodologies

Two components could be identified in this course’s teaching methodologies: theoretical (introduction) and practical. In the introductory component, the main educational methodology to be used is the opened debate of central issues in contemporary politics, in which concepts like Power, State, Government, Elections, Political Party or Lobbying will be analysed, through the exploratory readings and with the presence of specialized lecturers, in the fields of political marketing and political polls.

In the more practical component, students will have the opportunity of developing an individual research work and produce a small paper, and political simulations will also be used.


Fernandes, A. (2011). Introdução à Ciência Política: Teorias, Métodos e Temáticas (3ª Edição). Porto: Porto Editora.

Moreira, A. (1985). O Novíssimo Príncipe: análise da revolução. Lisboa: GUAGE.

Moreira, A. (2003). Ciência Política (7ª reimp.). Coimbra: Almedina.

Bobbio, N. (1988). Liberalismo e Democracia. São Paulo: Editora Brasiliense.

Pasquino, G. (2002). Curso de Ciência Política. Oeiras: Principia.

Freitas do Amaral, D. (1999). História das Ideias Políticas (Vol. II). Lisboa.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 100%