Engineering Materials

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Provide students with the fundamental knowledge of materials engineering following the sequence: Microstructure, Properties, Requirements for a given application. Provide the student with the ability to select materials for a given application based on their properties, knowing the methods required for their characterization. The student should be able to identify the best method of selecting materials for a specific application and integrating material selection with technical drawing. Students should be able to identify customer needs of a product by translating them into realistic specifications; understand the entire product environment, from first concept sketches to production and marketing, and design a product as a team.


1- Review of mechanical properties. Mechanical tests: traction, compression, hardness, shock, bending.
2- Behavior of materials: fracture, fatigue, friction and wear.
3- Families of materials.
4- Design and selection of materials:
- design to stiffness, design to resistance, high temperature design
- material selection, Ashby maps, CES program, weighted indexes
- case studies (including representations in Technical Drawing)
- materials and environment
5. Product Development:
- materials and product development.
- product typologies and material relevance.
- the process and methodology of product development.
- function, shape, material and process in product development
6. Project integration and material selection with technical drawing through case studies

Teaching Methodologies

The evaluation comprises two parts:
Laboratory Reports (30%) and
Written assessment 2 mini-tests during classes (30%) and final exam (40%). The minimum grade of each test is 8 values and the minimum grade in the written evaluation is 9.5 values.


"Materials: engineering, science, processing and design", Ashby, M., Shercliff, H., and Cebon, D. , 2019, 4ª Edição, Butterworth-Heineman; "Product Design and Development", K. T. Ulrich, S. D. Eppinger, Yang, M, 2020, 7 Ed, McGraw-Hill.; "Product Design",Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood , 2001, Prentice-Hall



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 7 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 49 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Mini Tests: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Laboratory Reports: 30%