Introduction to Psychology

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Learning goals:

1.       To describe historical landmarks in the construction of Psychology as a science.

2.       To recognize theoretical assumptions of the different “schools” and socio-cultural factors that contributed to their emergence, evolution and limits.

3.       To recognize the importance of evaluating evidences in Psychology

4.       To characterize contexts of psychological intervention.


1.The Construction of Psychology as Science

Psychology in the History of Western thought. The science of the 19 century and the emergence of Psychology as an empirical science. Pioneers of Psychology and early psychological thought.


2. Theoretical Developments

Psychology of the 20th century. Schools of Thought and the evolution of Psychology to áreas of specialization. Interdisciplinarity and contemporary Psycholoy.


3. Methodological Developments

The importance of scientific methods in Psychology and the need for measurement. The burden of proof.

Experiments, Correlation, Observation.


4. Applied Psychology

Tensions between fundamental and applied Psychology.

Traditional and new áreas of intervention in Psychology

Scientific and professional organizations that represents Psyghology and psychologists.

Teaching Methodologies

The UC is organized in theoretical, (T:30h) and theoretical-practical classes (TP:30h). Theoretical classes will be based on the presentation and discussion contents by the lecturer, while the theoretical-practical classes will essentially focus in the students’ work, through the diversified activities such as questioning, discussion, or written tasks in classrom or ay autonomous time. The critical dialogue with the students will be throughout the lecturing periods. Evaluation will be carried out in two moments of individual work (50% each).


Kalat, J. W. (2017). Introduction to Pshychology. Cengage Learning.

 Lawson, R. B.;Anderson, E. D.; & Cepeda-Benito, A. (2018). Psychology. Globalization, Ideas and Applications. Routledge.

 Nolen-Hoeksema, S.;  Fredrickson, L. B.; Loftus, G. R.; & Wagenaar, W. A. (2015). Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology. Cengage Learning.

 Shultz, D. P.; & Shultz, S. E.  (2016). A History of Modern Psychology. Cengage Learning.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • moment of individual work 1: 50%
  • moment of individual work 2: 50%