Integrated Production in Agriculture

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It is intended that the student cement their knowledge in the production aspect and component of crop protection integrating them in their approach to any culture.

It will provide the student with the necessary tools to understand all the factors included in the production process, including the use of varieties, the course of development of the plants, cultural practices, the need water and fertilizer for the most important cultures in the region and for the adoption by the producer of the principles of Integrated Protection and taking care its main components in order to familiarize him with the content and the required field notebooks face to the implementation of the law, allowing it pre- pare it for practical life as a technician.

In practical classes the student will contact the crops on farms, since it’s sowing until the end of production and its phytosanitary problems.


For each culture approach of varieties, growth stages, cultural practices from sowing production, water requirements and soil fertility, accidents and disorders and major disease problems and means of protection normally used and comprising:

1. Main current limitations and future development of production the integrated

2. Integrated production in citrus

3. Production integrated on apples

4. Integrated production in banana

5. Integrated production in chestnuts

6. Production in integrated olives

7. Integrated production proteas

8. Integrated production solanaceae (tomato and potato)

9. Integrated production in lettuce

10. Integrated production in green bean

11. Production integrated in cucurbits

Practical classes:

1. In orchards of Citrus, Banana, apple trees, olive and chestnut trees;

2. In tomato greenhouses, lettuce, green beans and cucurbits;

3. In potato plots and proteas outdoors.

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures oral exposure of the issues included in the curriculum, using the use of slides in power point files previously available to students on a site of a server (www.gpi.angra.uac / acetates.); Classes of students contact practices with the reality of development and limitations found in the development of different cultures and their present phytosanitary problems as well as contact with the producers, technicians of agricultural services and producer associations, and identification by the student of these problems.


AMARO, P. (2003). A protecção integrada. Amaro, P.(Ed.), Projecto Agro 12, Lisboa, 446 pp.

DGADR (2012) Guia dos produtos fitofarmacêuticos. Lista de produtos com venda autorizada, DGADR, Oeiras, 229 pp.

DGADR (2011). Normas para a Produção Integrada Pomoideas. Vol I e II, Oeiras, 86 pp.

DGADR (2010). Normas para a Produção Integrada em Olival, Oeiras, 145 pp.

DGPC (2005). Nomas para a Produção Integrada da cultura dos citrinos . Oeiras, 146 pp.

DGPC (2006). Produção Integrada em Hortícolas . Família das asteráceas. Oeiras, 129 pp.

DGPC (2006). Produção Integrada em Hortícolas . Família das cucurbitáceas. Oeiras, 353 pp.

DGPC (2006). Produção Integrada em Hortícolas . Família das Fabáceas. Oeiras, 237 pp.

DGPC (2006). Produção Integrada em Hortícolas . Família das Solanáceas. Oeiras, 236 pp.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 26 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 90%
  • Written presentation of a monograph on a topic of Integrated Production in Agriculture and presentation of this item orally: 10%