Crisis of the State and Renewal of Polical

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To furnish students a grounded knowledge of the forms of the political adopted in the West throughout history;
To understand the modern sovereign State as an historically situated form of the po-litical;
To identify the major characteristics shaping the State and the international system produced by it;
To explore the multiple dimensions of the contemporary crisis falling upon the State since the two World Wars of
the last century;

To promote the utopian dimension of Political Philosophy, identifying the proposals put forward for overcoming the
crisis, critically evaluating them and seeking to identi-fy alternative forms of political organization;
To understand the processes of integration – cosmopolitan and regional – as pro-posals for the construction of
forms of the political alternative to the modern sover-eign State;
To analyze selected proposals for the political reconfiguration of the State time – starting with the proposal of
austerity –, evaluating them critically


- General introduction;
- Political Philosophy and legitimation of power;
- Forms of the political in the West. The State as form of the political;
- Crisis of the State and new political subjects of the contemporary world. Regionalism and integration: supra and
- The State, War and Justice;
- The State and law, national, regional, European and international. Human rights and cos-mopolitanism;
- Crisis of the State and crisis of democracy;
- Citizenship, solidarity, civism and trust: Multiple citizenship: national, regional, European and cosmopolitan;
- Forms of the political and forms of government: liberalism, republicanism, socialism and communitarism.
- Crisis: austerity for the refoundation of the State versus political philosophy for the refoundation of the political.
- Conclusion of the work

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical seminars developed on the basis of the critical analysis of previously selected major texts, for the exploration of the themes identified in the program.

Evaluation is continuous and periodic:

- Continuous, focusing upon the participation of the students in the regular sessions of the curricular unit;
- Periodical, focusing upon a research paper to be developed by each student and presented and discussed in class.


Amaral, Carlos E. Pacheco, Do Estado soberano ao Estado das autonomias, Porto, Afrontamento, 1998;
Enes, José, Portugal Atlântico, Lajes, Companhia das Ilhas, 2015;
Fukuyama, Francis, O fim da história e o último homem, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1992;
Hobbes, Thomas, Leviatã, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, 1999;
Huntington, Samuel P., O choque das civilizações e a mudança na ordem mundial, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1999;
Maquiavel, O príncipe, Lisboa, Cosmos, 1945;
Niebuhr, Reinhold, Moral Man and Immoral Society. A Study on Ethics and Poli-tics, New York, Scribner’s, 1932;
Rawls, John, Uma teoria da Justiça, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1993;
Sandel, Michael, O liberalismo e os limites da justiça, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2005.
Walzer, Michael, Just and Unjust Wars. A moral argument with historical illustra-tions, New York, Basic Books, 1977



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%