Introduction to Professional Practice in 1st Cycle of Basic Education

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1. To consolidate knowledge on curriculum theories and models that are relevant for the 1st stage of elementary education, by using them to understand practice observed in schools; 2. To analyze, in a critical and reflective way, the official documents that convey the curriculum for the 1st stage of elementary education, in order to discuss how teachers may use them and how that same curriculum can be adapted to different students; 3. To identify educational principles that guide educational practice; 4. To implement learning experiences in the 1st stage of elementary education, which should be related to questions raised about observed practice that can be studied in the context of small-scale research cycles developed across the program with the participation of several curricular units; 5. To evaluate the students' learning, through evaluation plans and evaluation records that include critical reflections on the process and on the outcomes.


1.Curriculum theories and models for elementary education; 2. The curriculum for the first stage of elementary education: syllabi, curricular goals, regional framework of reference; 3. Curriculum, diversity and inclusive education in the first stage of elementary education; 4. Planning educational experiences in the first stage of elementary education - guiding principles, organization, main components; 5. The teacher's role in planning, organizing and implementing educational experiences in the first stage of elementary education

Teaching Methodologies

This curricular unit will follow the regulation of the component IPP, which set rules for the observation of teachers' practice, supervised students' practice in classrooms, and for sessions delivered in the campus. In light of the training model being followed, the educational activities observed and performed by the students may be studied in the context of small-scale research cycles, conducted throughout the study program in a number of curricular units, under the leadership of both the program coordinator and the instructors who teach the curricular units that are more directly focused on research. Summative assessment will be based on the following elements: characterization of educational environments (accounting for 10% of the final grade), characterization of professional practices (20%), lesson plans and their discussion (30%), classroom practice (40%). The inclusion of a research dimension in these assignments will be valued


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Morgado, J. C., Viana, I. C. e Pacheco, J. A. (Orgs.) (2019). Currículo, inovação e flexibilização. De Facto Editores.

OECD (2023), PISA 2022 Results (Volumes I e II). OECD Publishing.

Perrenoud, P. (2000). Pedagogia Diferenciada: Das intenções à acção. Artes Médicas do Sul.

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Roldão, M. C. (2012). Currículo, formação e trabalho docente. In L. Santos & A. Favacho (Orgs.), Políticas e práticas curriculares: Desafios contemporâneo. (pp.65-79).  CRV.

Simões, A., et al. (2023). Educação Inclusiva: Manual de Apoio à Prática. SREAC/DREAE.

Sousa, F. (2010). Diferenciação curricular e deliberação docente. Porto: Porto Editora. Sousa, F., Alonso, L. e Roldão, M. C. (Orgs.) (2013). Investigação para um currículo relevante.  Almedina.

Tomlinsom,C.A. (2008). Diferenciação Pedagógica e Diversidade. Porto Editora.

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ECTS Credits



  • Estágio - 30 hours
  • Orientação Tutorial - 3 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Caraterização e análise de ambientes educativos : 30%
  • Observação/caracterização e reflexão sobre práticas profissionais : 30%
  • Planificação, intervenção educativa e reflexão sobre as mesmas : 40%