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In this curricular unit where explored the critical environmental factors affecting air, water, climate, sustainability, and ecosystems.

In this curricular unit it is explored the critical factors that could affect socio-environmental sustainability, and the functionality changes of the ecosystem, focusing on the changes in air quality, water quality and climate change. On the other hand, is intended to familiarize students with the process of environmental assessment of plans and programs, as legally defined, it can be performed following specific methodologies for strategic environmental assessment (SEA), or more traditionally by the environmental impact assessments tools (EIA), being also able to predict environmental impacts resulting from the solutions presented in plans or programs, and completing the formulation by the proposal of mitigation measures of impacts and the development of monitoring programs.


The concept of "sustainable development" in the economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

Methodological approaches of projects or strategic planning processes and policy evaluation .

Performance criteria of the SEA and EIA descriptors.

The Environmental Report.

Definition of the content of the environmental assessment report.


Specific entities with environmental responsibility.

The Influence of the decision.

Environmental Statement.

Assessment and control.

Examples of general subjects to identify strategic goals and objectives of macro-framework for SEA .

Environmental impact studies:

Predication and Assessment of Impacts in an environmental impact study:

Geology / soils , air pollution , air emissions , pollution / water quality , flora and fauna , noise, climate and climate change , demographics , land use , land use , economy , infrastructure , cultural heritage.

Public participation and the applicable law.

Teaching Methodologies

Exposure of theoretical content using the Data Show;

Discussion of theoretical contents;

Lab classes; specially for the air quality, water quality and noise.

Discussion with the student about environmental impact studies, strategic plans and legal contents.

Delivery of documentation and bibliography able to guide the student in the strategic environmental planning, with tutorial support.


Partidário, M. 2007. Guia de Boas Práticas para Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica. Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente. Amadora.

Partidário, M. 2003. Fundamentos de Avaliação de Impacte Ambiental. Universidade Aberta. Lisboa.

Wathern, P. 2002. Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice. Routledge. eReader Format.

Singal, S. 2000. Noise Pollution and Control. Narosa Publishing House. London.

Vallero, D. 2008. Fundamentals of Air Pollution. Fourth Edition. Academic Press. San Diego.

Santos, F. e Miranda, P. (Editores). 2006. Alterações Climáticas em Portugal: Cenários, Impactos e Medidas de Adaptação. Projecto SIAM II. Gradiva. Lisboa.



ECTS Credits



  • Teórico-Práticas - 46 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequencys: 65%
  • Tutorial works: 35%