This course seeks to provide students with a sociological, psicologycal and ergonomics approach to Labour as a reality of all ages and a driving force of human societies. The methods of work and employment, as well as how it is spread, dictate, today, the social condition of existence, and therefore essentially the ways of life. Work is a source of welfare, integration, identity and inequality. The main focus is on the new problems emerging in the fields of employment regulated in its performance, according to the different normative criteria of organizations and relevant legislation. Seeks to empower students with the basic knowledge to understand the meaning of the different work processes and the ever-present risk in any one of them, calling attention to the form of interpretation of the organization of work and involvement of individuals in relational webs that are implicated.
-Type of Human Action and motivated behavior, and action roles and requirements
-The meaning and purpose of work; plan objective and subjective activity laborious
-A Theory of Human relationships and work motivation
-The contingency theory and the emphasis on the environment and technology
-The relationship between working conditions and Effectiveness: psychosocial aspects
Subroutines in work organizations, impoverishment and implications
-The concept of professional culture and organizational climate, hygiene and safety in their evolution
-The behavioral changes and changing attitudes to safety
-The accident / incident: human error and risk assessment
-Stress, wear, fatigue and human error
From work-no guarantees the institutionalization of protection
-Normativity, ethics of life, work and business
-The psychosocial intervention on risk behavior
-Threat Detection, Prevention and Intervention
-The role of health and safety at work in optical HR management
The dynamics of teaching classes of this nature involves the construction of a space for debate on known examples and empirical studies could contribute to the clarification and enrichment of the issues and themes of today such as unemployment and retraining. The questioning of personal experiences, situations and experiences known work is the reason for introducing learning activities guided by the objectives of self-discovery. The assessment comprises two seat elements. Therefore, the assessment is based on three elements of substantially different nature which include written test (80%, debate and individual assessment of a case study (20%) or, alternatively, development of a written work that contains an individua case study, locating the concepts taught in a socio-analysis.
DUBAR, Claude (1997), A socialização. Construção das identidades sociais e profissionais, Porto: Porto Editora.
FITOUSSI, J. & ROSANVALLON, P. (1997), A nova era das desigualdades. Oeiras: Celta.
FREIRE, João (1993), Sociologia do trabalho: Uma introdução, Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
GRINT, Keith (1998), The Sociology of Work, 2nd Ed., Cambridge: Polity Press.
JACCARD, Pierre (s/d), História Social do trabalho, Lisboa: Círculo de Litores
JACCARD, Pierre (1969), Psicossociologia do trabalho, Lisboa: Moraes Editores.
LEFRANC, Georges(1988),, História do trabalho e dos trabalhadores, Lisboa, Europress.
SENNETT, Richard (2001), A corrosão do carácter — As consequências pessoais do trabalho, Lisboa: Terramar.
MÉDA, D. (1999), O trabalho – Um valor em via de extinção, Lisboa, Fim de século.
RODRIGUES, M.J. (1992), O Sistema de emprego em Portugal. Crise e mutações, 2ª Ed, Lisboa: Dom Quixote.