Art History

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1. Understand the importance and significance of the study of art history.
2. Recognize the main Western artistic movements since antiquity to our days.
1. Master the vocabulary of art history.
2. Highlight the specific problems and innovations of classical art.
3. Characterize the Western religious and civil architecture since the medieval period to the 20th century.
4. Identify the most emblematic buildings, as well as the architects responsible.
5. Explain the concerns around urban planning since the Roman civilization to the 20th century.
6. To distinguish the various schools or pictorial currents since the middle ages to our days.
7. Highlight the evolution and the role of sculptural art throughout the ages.
8. List the major painters and sculptors studied with their time.
9. Identify some of the most important works in the history of Western arts.



Art and work of art

History of art: science and autonomous discipline

Main areas and periods of study

The art in Classical Antiquity

The Greek art

The Roman art

The artistic manifestations of the long medieval period

The early Middle Ages: from Paleocristão to Pre-Romanesque

Romanesque art

Gothic art

The art in the Modern Age

The first and the second Renaissance

The Mannerism

From Baroque to Rococo

The 2nd half of the 18th century and the Neoclassicism

19th Century


Realism and Naturalism in the fine arts

The revolution Impressionistic, Neo-Impressionism and Post Impressionism

The evolution of architecture and design:

The Iron and Glass Architecture

The Arts and Crafts movement

The Art Nouveau

20th Century

Modernism and first Vanguards

The period between the two world wars:

The architecture and design

The evolution of plastic arts

From post War years to decade of 70s:

The second and latest Vanguards

The trends of architecture

Teaching Methodologies

The methods to be adopted during the lessons, imply the conjunction between the exposition and explanation of the contents, based on the observation and analysis of images (with recourse to PowerPoint), with the lifting of questions addressed to the students or the clarification of which are placed by them. In theoretical-practical lessons, where the centrality of dialogue and intervention of students is more evident, will be analysed documents or texts provided by the teacher or small oral presentations will be promoted, based on preliminary research of learners, requested in advance.


AAVV, História da Arte em Portugal, Publicações Alfa, 1986, 14 vols.

ALTET, Xavier B., História da Arte, Edições 70, 2003.

BAZIN, G., História da Arte: da Pré-História aos Nossos Dias, Bertrand Editora, 1992.

FRANÇA, José A., A Arte em Portugal nos Séculos XIX e XX, Bertrand, 1990, 2 vols.

FRANÇA, José A., História da Arte Ocidental, 1750-2000, 2ª ed. rev. e act., Livros Horizonte, 2006.

JANSON, H. W., História da Arte, 7ª edição, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2005.

PINTO, Ana Lídia e outras, História da Arte Ocidental e Portuguesa, das origens ao final do século XX, 2ª ed., Porto Editora, 2006.

KEMP, Martin, coord., História da Arte no Ocidente, Ed. Verbo, 2000.

SPROCCATI, S., Guia de História da Arte. Os artistas, as obras, os movimentos do século XIV aos nossos dias, 5ª ed., Ed. Presença, 2002.

SUTTON, Ian, História da Arquitectura no Ocidente, desde a Grécia Antiga até ao Presente, Ed. Verbo, 2004.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 45%
  • 2nd Frequency: 45%
  • Attendance and class participation and the drafting, in group or individually, of small papers: 10%