Sociology of Politics

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In this course it is sought to understand and analyze political activity, through the entirety of theoretical and methodological instruments of Sociology, thus to reflect about power and its exercise in contemporary societies, by reflecting about systems, institutions and political organizations, as well as the institutional means of exercising power in modernity.


1. The Sociology of Politics: subject and scope

1.1. The Centrality of Power

1.2. Politics and Modernity

2. Politics: System and Field

2.1. The political system

2.2. Political Field, Habitus and Political Capital

3. State, Powers and Relationships

3.1. The Formation of the State

3.2. The Modernization of the State

3.3. The Bureaucratic Field

4. Ideologies, Interests and Political Organizations

4.1. Ideological Configuration

4.2. Political Parties

4.3. Pressure and Interest Groups

5. Democracy, Participation and Citizenship

5.1. Democracy in Modern Societies

5.2. Political Participation and Political Culture

Teaching Methodologies

Exposition of the content to be taught, employing a theoretical-practical approach, with student participation, viewing videos followed by group discussion, presentation of illustrative aspects of the program content and conducting evaluations.


Benedicto, Jorge; Morán, María Luz (eds.) (1995), Sociedad y Política. Temas de sociología política, Madrid, Alianza Editorial.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1989), O Poder Simbólico, Lisboa, Difel.

Colas, Dominique, Sociologia política, Porto, Rés-Editora, s.d.

Dowse, Robert E.; Hughes, John A. (1993), Sociología política, Madrid, Alianza Ed.

Duverger, Maurice (1980), Os partidos políticos, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar Ed.

Duverger, Maurice (1983), Sociologia da Política, Coimbra, Almedina.

Fernandes, António Teixeira (1988), Os fenómenos políticos, Porto, Ed. Afrontamento.

Fernandes, António Teixeira (1997), A Sociedade e o Estado. Sociologia das formações políticas, Porto, Ed. Afrontamento.

Giddens, Anthony (2004), Sociologia, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Lagroye, Jacques (1993), Sociología Política, Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Schwartzenberg, Roger-Gérard (1998), Sociologie Politique, Paris, Éd. Montchrestien.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual Readings Report: 50%
  • Practical group lesson: 50%