Portuguese Literature: Humanist and Renaissance Legacy

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Broadening of literary culture, with the resulting expansion of cultural horizons and comprehension of classical literature.

To offer knowledge about the literature of the XVI, XVII, and XVIII centuries, and the frameworks and methods that allow for appreciation based on its value.

Decentralization and valuing alterity, through contrasting different poetic and axiological systems, with distinct possibilities of meaning.

To understand the dynamic that is involved in the selection of the literary canon of each period.

To understand the importance of the literature of the 1500s and particularly of the most studied authors, in considering literary history and Portuguese identity.

To present personal ideas and interpretations in a well-founded, clear and convincing manner.



Humanism, Renaissance and “Classic Portuguese Literature”: specific qualities and boundaries of the XVI, XVII, and XVIII centuries’ literary periods. Main authors and works.

General overview of classical poetics.

The XVI Century and the Beginning of the XVII Century in Portugal: The Classicism and Mannerism of the Renaissance.

The historical-cultural and artistic context: Integration into the European movements – the Italian and Spanish influences.

Sá de Miranda’s historical-literary Significance

Meaning and importance of the “Italian way” and the poetical renewal. The persistence of peninsular poetics.

Sá de Miranda’s poetical world. A new concept of poet and poetry.

Camões’ Rhymes

Individual expression and literary tradition. The ancient and the modern.

Petrarchism, poetic biography, Love and Fortune. Memory and exile.

Disillusionment and human life. Nature and the feminine image.

The unity of Camonian worldview.

Camões in Portuguese literature and culture.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical presentations in class, hand in hand with commentary on works of a doctrinal nature, whenever possible. Contrast with other forms of art in a cultural perspective of historical-cultural contextualization (interdisciplinary).

Practice of commented reading and analysis of literary texts with frequent recourse to expressive reading of poems.

Students will also present small research projects, applying the knowledge they have acquired.


Sá de Miranda, Obras. Lisboa, 41977 (2 vols)

Camões, Rimas. Coimbra, 1994.

Isabel Almeida, Antologia da Poesia Maneirista. Lisboa, 1998.

Maria Lucília Pires, Poetas do Período Barroco. Lisboa, 2003.

Isabel Allegro de Magalhães, História e antologia da literatura portuguesa, Lisboa, 1

Carlos Reis (dir.), História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa: vol. II (José Augusto Bernardes, Humanismo e Renascimento, Lisboa, 1999), vol. III (Maria Lucília Pires e J. Adriano Carvalho, Maneirismo e Barroco, Lisboa, 2001) e vol. IV (Rita Marnoto, Neoclassicismo e Pré-Romantismo, Lisboa, 2010).

Anìbal Pinto de Castro, “Os códigos poéticos em Portugal”, in Revista da Universidade de Coimbra, 31 (1985)



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours