Communication and Personal Development I

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1) Discuss the central concepts and basic principles of human communication.

2) Identify the importance of assertiveness in a context of providing nursing care.

3) Develop knowledge, skills and competence related to the therapeutic relationship in nursing.

4) Analyze appropriate strategies for communication in situations of particular interaction, with customers and colleagues.

5) Examine the importance of self-knowledge, self-confidence and self-esteem for the improvement of the care provided and for the nurse's personal development.


1. Communication: Basic Principles.

1.1. Basic concept and principles of human communication.

1.2. Factors that influences the effectiveness of communication.

1.3. Communication modes of expression: verbal and non-verbal manifestations.

1.4. Client-centered communication: conditions of the person that interfering with communication.

1.5. The relationship with the person cared for in a professional, legal and deontological context.

2. Assertive Communication in a Professional Context.

2.1. Assertive communication; passive; aggressive and manipulative.

2.2. Assertive communication with customers and colleagues.

3. The Interview Technique.

3.1. Definition, types, objectives, phases.

3.2. Conducting the interview in specific contexts of the nursing profession.

3.2.1. The interview technique - practical classes.

4. Therapeutic relationship.

4.1. Communication as a tool to promote the therapeutic relationship in nursing cares.

4.2. Therapeutic relationship: Definition, objective, phases.

4.3. Skills to be developed by nurses: Attitudes and techniques of therapeutic communication.

4.3.1 Therapeutic communication techniques - practical classes

4.4. Therapeutic communication in specific situations of nursing practice.

4.5. Reflection on interaction: Analysis of an interactive sequence.

5. Self-knowledge and personal development

5.1. Strategies that promote self-knowledge, self-confidence and self-esteem.

Teaching Methodologies

Students carry out reading exercises with a study guide and reflection of texts for discussion / group dynamics in the classroom, in subgroups, about the strategies to be used for the development of emotional intelligence, strategies that promote self-knowledge, self confidence and self-esteem; self-analysis activities, self-knowledge related to intimacy and values, with practical exercises to build empathic responses, clarification, respect and congruence; streamline preparation activities for the training of the interview technique and on the prevention of psychological disorders (Freemind Model). It is also proposed to view and critically analyze films.

Some planning information for the course is presented and moments of evaluation in SMART objectives are proposed - S (specific) M (measurable) A (action) R (reasonableness) T (time)


Chalifour, J. (2009). A Intervenção terapêutica: Estratégias de intervenção (vol 2.) Loures: Lusodidata.

Cibanal, L. & Carmen. M. (2009). La relación enfermeira-paciente. Colombia: Salud/enfermeira.

Frias, C. (2013). Encontro de Corpos: Processo de Construção de Cuidados Enfermeiro/Pessoa em Fim de Vida. Loures: Lusociência.

Gomes, L. (2012). A presença como cuidado-estudo da presença em contexto psiquiátrico (Tese de doutoramento não publicada). Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa.

Melo, M.L. (2013). A Comunicação médico-doente em contexto hospital: Relação entre as atitudes dos médicos e dos doentes relativamente ao fornecimento de informação e o ajustamento emocional dos doentes (Tese de doutoramento não publicada). Universidade Aberta, Lisboa.

Townsend, M. (2011). Enfermagem em saúde mental e psiquiatria: Conceitos de cuidados na prática baseada na evidência. Loures: Lusociência.



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 30 hours
  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to CU programme: 100%