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1- doing an In-depth analysis of old age as a stage of human development, with specific multidimensional characteristics, aiming to deconstruct stereotypes;
2- Understanding the physiological bases of the ageing process, the explanatory theories and the types of ageing;
3- reflecting on the contexts where adults of advanced age are inserted and deduce implications for a substantiated and personalized intervention;
4- Envisioning a positive understanding of ageing, closely addressing aspects such as knowledge, spirituality, resilience, self-esteem, psychological well-being, etc.;
5- Differentiating the symptomatology and the differential diagnosis of cognitive deficit, dementias and other age related diseases; inferring potentialities, limitations and implications on the quality of life of the individuals, their caretakers and their families;
6- Outlining projects and activities for socio-cognitive stimulation, in order to optimize the quality of life and encourage an active ageing.


1. Human ageing
- International and national policies about ageing
- Demographic aspects and their political, economic, social and psychologic implications
- Models, factors and explanatory theories for ageing
- Types of ageing
2. Ageing, as a development stage of the life cycle
- Deconstruction of stereotypes associated with age
- Active ageing and its socio-community implications
- Developmental changes and tasks
3. Positive Ageing
- Health and positive psychological variables
- Institutions: relationships and operating dynamics and their implications on the lives of elderly people
- Intergenerational relations and intergenerational human heritage
4. Neuropsychological aspects
- Mild cognitive impairment deficit, dementias and other diseases associated with old age: symptoms, differential diagnosis, approaches and evaluation tools
5. Psychogerontological intervention: nature, types and ethical aspects

Teaching Methodologies

Interactive methodology, associated with the analysis and discussion of the addressed topics. Specific materials and bibliography on each of the topics will be supplied. The master students are urged to participate in the lectures, exposing their doubts and discussing among themselves (and with the professor), calling upon meta-reflection and the metacognitive strategies. The evaluation is comprised of: i) a research work, on a subject to be chosen from the ones presented by the professors, with an oral presentation and discussion, as well as a written component; ii) an individual case study analysis, with a component of intervention design, properly substantiated, to be presented and discussed in the classroom.


Barros de Oliveira, J. H. (2010). Psic. do envelhecimento e do idoso. Porto: Livpsic
Côrte, B., Goldfarb, D. , & Lopes, R. (2009). Psicogerontologia. Curitiba: Juruá Ed.
Freitas, E. V. de, & Py, L. (Ed.) (2011), Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara Koogan Lda.
Medeiros, T., Ribeiro, C., Miúdo, B., & Fialho, A. (Coords.) (2014). Envelhecer e Conviver. P. D.: Letras Lavadas
Pereira, F. (2012). Teoria e prática da gerontol. Braga: PsicoSoma
Morais, O. M. (2009). Grupos de idosos: Actuação da psicogeront. no enfoque preventivo. Psicologia, Ciência e Profissão, 29, 846-855
Peña-Casanova, J. (2007). Neurología de la conducta y neuropsicologia. Madrid: Ed Médica Panamericana
Ribeiro, C. (2014). As Bases Biológicas do Envelhecimento Humano. In T. Medeiros et al., Envelhecer e conviver, P. D.: Letras Lavadas Edições
Silva, A., & Ribeiro, C. (2015). A Doença de Alzheimer: Uma abordagem molecular e fisiopatológica. In Repensar a pessoa idosa no séc. XXI (no prelo)



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%