Património Natural e Conservação da Natureza

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The primary objective is to highlight the importance of natural heritage as an endogenous value with tourist potential. The contents and topics covered enable students to develop different critical readings on the biodiversity and geodiversity of island landscapes, reporting the adaptation of human interventions to the environment. It is intended that students gain autonomy in valuing the notable aspects of biophysical reality based on the opportunities presented to the tourism and leisure industry. Understanding threats to the environment and instruments for protecting nature complement the acquisition of skills and competences.

OA 1. Understand the concepts and fundamentals inherent to the natural heritage

OA 2. Recognize the major biophysical constraints of the island territory

OA 3. Identify areas of high environmental and landscape sensitivity

OA 4. Understand the threats and vulnerabilities of the regional natural heritage

OA 5. Understand the importance of instruments and policies to safeguard the environment


1. Introduction and framework

1.1 Natural heritage and ecotourism

1.2 Biophysical singularities of island environments

1.3 Biodiversity and geodiversity

1.4 Anthropogenic pressures

1.5 Environmental protection strategies

2. Biogeographic framework of the Azores

2.1 Location, insularity, and territorial fragmentation

2.2 Climatology

2.3 Geotectonic and volcanism

2.4 Land occupation

2.5 Structuring elements of landscapes

3. Unique values ​​of the Azores ecosystems

3.1 Terrestrial biodiversity

3.2 Marine biodiversity

3.3 Geodiversity

3.4 Landscape variants

3.5 Multidisciplinary synthesis

4. Threats to the natural heritage of the Azores

4.1 Global incidences: climate change

4.2 Regional incidences: anthropogenic pressures

4.2.1 Impacts on ecosystems, habitats, and species

4.2.2 Impacts on lake environments

4.2.3 Impacts on natural resources

4.2.4 Impacts on the identity of landscapes

4.3 Assessment of the state of the environment

5. Protection of the natural heritage of the Azores

5.1 Regional Network of Protected Areas

5.2 Ramsar Sites

5.3 Azores Geopark

5.4 Biosphere Reserves

5.5 Other protectionist statutes

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology of this subject will be based on the principles of «reflection-action», supported by a didactic that combines expository, interrogative, and active methods, which is supported by the discussion of case studies, scientific articles, and the realization of works. The exhibition of contents will make use of audiovisual media, texts, and other available resources. The autonomous work hours will be dedicated to the development of group and individual work. The critical participation of students on the issues addressed and challenges raised by the teacher will be encouraged. The assessment focuses on individual work (50%) and pair work (40%); student attendance and active and interested participation throughout the semester will have a weighting of 10%.





ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 30 hours
  • Seminário - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 10%
  • Individual work : 50%
  • Pair work : 40%