Interpretação do Ambiente Natural

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I) Understand the historical origin and importance of the interpretation of the natural heritage.

II) Discuss the concept of nature, the types of landscape and its origin, and distinguish the concepts of biome and anthrome.

III) Distinguish personal and non-personal interpretation and its applications in a natural context.

IV) Identify and explore the main interpretative tools and strategies and narratives in a natural context.

V) Identify techniques for interpreting natural and anthropogenic landscapes, and their connection to cultural and economic issues allied to the landscape.

VI) Explore interpretation and communication techniques (verbal and non-verbal) for effective management of contact with the target population of interpretive processes.

VII) Understand the importance of knowledge about the target population of interpretive processes.

VIII) Understand the principles of interpretation management, through the review of organisational processes and applicability on the ground, taking into account the specificities of natural heritage.

IX) Recognize the importance of the existence of an interpretative script in a natural environment and implement its elaboration.


1.                  Origin and importance of the interpretation of the natural environment.
2.                  The concept of nature and the perception of natural and anthropogenic landscapes.
3.                  Interpretation of natural heritage: strategies, techniques, and tools.
4.                  Communication techniques in interpretation of nature.
5.                  Digital resources and innovation in interpretation in natural environment.
6.                  The target public and the objectives of interpretation: formal education, environmental education, and tourism.
7.                  Management of organizational procedures and preparation of advisory scripts.
8.                  Interpretation of the natural environment in island regions: Azores as a case study.

Teaching Methodologies

A combined learning strategy will take place, integrating synchronous and asynchronous elements, using a learning management system that will allow the exploitation of content. The asynchronous period will be used in a useful and directed way, to enhance the interaction with the teacher in the synchronous component, avoiding exhibition classes. Content will be explored in small groups using ICT, including search engines and critical analysis of information available on digital platforms, as well as interpretive field guides.  The classes will be directed to a peer discussion, prepared topics, and clarification of doubts.  The addition of concepts will be supported by scientific literature. Practical skills and group activities will be developed.  The assessment will include a written, individualfrequency related to theoretical knowledge and its application, and a group work of three students, which will consist of the edition of an interpretative guide on a place of interest.


Brochu L, Merriman T 2008. Personal Interpretation: Connecting Your Audience to Heritage Resources. Fort Collins, CO: InterpPress, 102 pp.

Drummond J A 2007. Patrimônios natural e cultural: endereços distintos nos espaços urbanos, rurais e selvagens. In: Paes-Luchiari MT, Bruhns HT, Serrano C (Orgs.), Patrimônio, natureza e cultura. Campinas: Papirus.

Franco MBA, Franco JLA, Cunha AA 2021. Ecoturismo, Conservação da Natureza e Deep Ecology: uma Reflexão sobre o Turismo como Experiência de Ampliação da Consciência. Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, v. 10, n. 2: 97-115.

Ham S H 1992. Environmental Interpretation: A Practical Guide for People with Big Ideas and Small Budgets.  Golden, CO: North American Press, 486 pp.

Knudson D M, Cable T T, Beck L 2003. Interpretation of Cultural and Natural Resources. State Park, PA: Venture Publishing, 411 pp.

Lewis, W J 1980. Interpreting for Park Visitors. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Eastern National Park and Monument Association, Eastern Acorn Press, 158 pp.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours
  • Trabalho de Campo - 20 hours