Trabalho de Projeto

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1. Develop and present an advanced piece of research on a tourism management topic;
2. Integrate and apply some of the concepts and skills obtained in the course's curricular units;
3. Develop the project work in a cohesive, appropriate and original way;
4. Demonstrate in-depth critical knowledge of the domain;
5. Evaluate and apply established research techniques to the field of study and develop intellectual skills to be critical from a theoretical and practical perspective;
6. Conduct a comprehensive literature review;
7. Demonstrate autonomous learning capacity and written communication skills.


Develop in a cohesive and appropriate way a project on a tourism management topic, under the supervision of one to three supervisors.

Teaching Methodologies

The methodologies adopted will privilege the dialogued process, with the aim of contributing to the development of students' autonomy. The tutorial supervision regime, which focuses on a personalized teaching methodology, will be implemented in order to support the development of autonomous research work on a tourism management topic. The supervisors will be responsible for academic and scientific supervision, providing support from the preparation of the work plan to the final analysis of the written work. The student will be supported by one to three advisors who are specialists in the area and the final work must make contributions to the theory and/or practice of tourism management.

The work plan proposal is submitted to the FEG Scientific Council for approval. After approval, the theme of the final work is registered in accordance with the General Regulations for Masters of the University of the Azores. The dissertation/project work/internship report is developed with the support of one to three supervisors, experts in the research field. The final work is submitted to evaluation in public tests by a jury made up of three to five members, as stipulated by the aforementioned General Regulations for Masters.


- Baggio, R., & Klobas, J. (2017). Quantitative Methods in Tourism: A Handbook. Channel View Publications.
- Coles, T.E., Duval, D.T., & Shaw, G. (2013). A Student's Guide to Writing Dissertations and Theses in Tourism Studies and Related Disciplines. Routledge.
- Phillimore, J., & Goodson, L. (2004). Qualitative Research in Tourism. Ontologies, Epistemologies and Methodologies. Routledge.



ECTS Credits



  • Outras / Ens. Clínico - 1504 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • De acordo com Métodos de Ensino : 100%