Physical-Motor Education

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1. To master basic concepts related to the field and use them appropriately;
2. To know the process of children's motor development and frame it within notions of general development;
3. To understand the stages of human motor activity in general and of child motor development in particular, and to be able to distinguish them through the observation of human behaviour and movement
4. To understand the evolution of different structures underlying the development of different kinds of abilities - perceptive-motor, coordinative, physical, expressive,creative, playful - and distinguish them in practice.
5. To master the main characteristics of the process of motor learning, considering its phases, the models and the conditions for their practice, in order to become aware of careful organization of content and practical activities for the sake of quality in Physical Education for children.


1 - Human movement, physical activity and physical education
1.1. Conceptual framework
1.2. Stages of motor development
1.3. Physical Education in early childhood/ 1st Cycle – Program Activities
2. Motor development in childhood
2.1. Conceptual framework
2.2. Theoretical models of motor development
2.3. The development of children's abilities
3. Learning in physical education
3.1 Conceptual framework
3.2. Strategies for optimizing the learning environment in physical education.
4. Practical motor activity in perceptive-motor abilities. Basic motor abilities: locomotion, manipulation,
coordenative and conditional abilities, rythmic and expressive activities, children's play, interdisciplinary activities.

Teaching Methodologies

This curricular unit is organized on the basis of strong relationship between theory and practice. The theoretical sessions, are primarily informative and include exhibition of contents and interactive and reflective activities. The practical sessions includes observation and practice in experiential situations involving motor activity: 1) basic balance, manipulation and locomotion; 2) games - simple, traditional and sportive; 3) corporal expression and dance; 4) gym; 5) skating; 6) adaptation to the aquatic environment; and 7) walks in natural settings. These
sessions will include moments of reflection and cooperation as well as the sharing of experiences. The students' assessment will be based on three assignments: a written test (30-40% of the final mark), a research work group (30-40% of the final mark) and other practical work (20-30% of the final mark). 


Condessa, I., Pereira, B. & Carvalho, G. (Org). "Atividade Física, Saúde e Lazer:Educar e Formar". Braga : CIEC, IE, Universidade do Minho, FCT.
Condessa, I. (2011). "What is the Role of Play in Childhood Development andEducation", in Revista Portuguesa de Ciências de Desporto. vol. 11, n.º 1, pp:336-338. Porto: Edições FCDEF-UP.
Condessa, I. (2006). Os Ambientes Facilitadores de Aprendizagem na EducaçãoFísica Infantil. Revista Cinergis. Vol. 7, nº 1, Jan./Jun, 9-28. Brasil: EDUNISC
Gallahue, D.L. (2002). Desenvolvimento motor e aquisição da competência motorana educação de infância, In Spodek, B. (Org.). Manual de Investigação em Educaçãode Infância, (pp. 49-84) Lisboa:Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Haywood,K. & Getchell, N. (2004). Desenvolvimento Motor ao Longo da Vida. 3ª Ed.P.Alegre: Artmed
Le Boulch, J. (1988). A Educação Psicomotora.. 2ª Ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Conforme método de ensino: 100%