a) Know and contextualize the evolutionary process of museums;
b) Understand the specific competences of Museology, in particular with regard to documentation, inventory, exhibition, management, education and communication;
c) Solidly identify the various types of Museums and their interactions with Collectionism, Eco-museums and Interpretive Centers;
d) Identify the importance of museums in contemporary culture as tools of information, education, socialization and critical awareness.
I. Brief History of Museums
II. Museums: these unknowns
III. Museum management
IV. Communication in Museums
The classes present a triple methodological approach:
The evaluation will have two written moments and one oral: students must make two reports of two of the study visits in which they participated, pointing out and critically applying the knowledge acquired so far with the two case studies; they must submit oral work on a non-regional Museum, based on its website, in order to develop their communication capacity.
Anico, Marta, Museus e Pós-Modernidade: Discursos e "Performances" em Contextos Museológicos Locais, Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Ciências, 2005
BLACK, Graham, The Engaging Museum. Developing Museums for Visitor Involvement. Londres/Nova Iorque: Routledge, 2005.
BOLAÑOS, Maria, La memoria del mundo: cien años de museología (1900-2000), Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2002.
GOB, André;DROUGET, Noémie, La muséologie: histoire, développements, enjeux actuels. Paris, Armand Colin, 2006.
HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Francisca, Planteamientos teóricos de la museología, Gijon, Trea, 2006
MOREIRA, Isabel M. Martins, Iniciação à museologia: caderno de apoio, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, 1994.
PESSOA, Fernando Santos, Reflexöes sobre ecomuseologia, Porto, Ed. Afrontamento, 2001
SANTOS, M.L; OLEIRO, M.B O Panorama Museológico em Portugal (2000-2003), Observatório das Atividades Culturais, IPM/ROM, Lisboa, 2005
Semedo, Alice; Estratégias museológicas e consensos gerais, Vigo Eixo Atlântico, 2004, https://hdl.handle.net/10216/22164
RICO, Juan Carlos, La dificil supervivencia de los museos, Gigón, Trea, 2009