Discursive Practices

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1. To understand the dimension of discursive practice.

2. To know the types of speech acts and their communicative objectives.

3. To present a structured discourse (oral and written).

4. To interpret and produce different kinds of discourse.


1. Verbal interaction

1.1. Communicative objectives and illocutionary acts

1.2. Subjectivity and heterogeneity in discursive interaction

2. Oral and written discourse

2.1. Linguistic and communicative mechanisms of the structure of oral discourse

2.2. The structure and function of written discourse

3. Genres of discourse: commentary (newspaper), publicity, report, record, curriculum vitae, and inquiry.

Teaching Methodologies

The course has an important theoretical component, which includes the presentation of concepts and theories about discourse analysis, along with a practical component, in which students are asked to do multiple exercises using the theoretical concepts previously introduced.


BENZ, Anton e Peter Kühnlein (2008), Constraints in discourse, Amsterdam, John Benjamin (Pragmatics beyond new series).

FUNK, M. Gabriela C. B. e LIMA, Paula (2004), Explicações de Português, Porto, Edições ASA.

MAINGUENEAU, Dominique, Os termos-chave da Análise do Discurso, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1997 (Trad. A. Coelho da Silva).

MATEUS, H. Mira e outras, Gramática da Língua Portuguesa, 5ª edição, Caminho, Lisboa, 2003.

REI, J. Esteves (1995), Curso de Redacção – O Texto, Porto, Porto Editora.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Homeworks to be presented in the classroom : 40%
  • Frequency: 50%
  • Participation in the classroom activities: 10%