Bachelor in Social Work

Ano Letivo 2025/2026

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Based on the social inequalities that are much more incisive in certain islands than others and bearing in mind the effort to minimize intra-and interregional inequalities, particularly in relation to inequalities in access to social services and more dignified living conditions for different social groups and categories, the pioneering degree in Social Work at the University of the Azores allows the archipelago to follow national and European standards of equity in the treatment of social injustice. Guided by a broad and human-oriented social intervention and community development it aims to minimize inequalities and social inequalities. In this sense, the degree in Social Work came to fill out a gap that has long made itself felt with the sudden changes that modernity and globalization effects introduced in this peripheral Atlantic region


Learning Objectives: a) Facilitate the learning process about Social Services, genesis, evolution, theory, field and areas of intervention in social policy; b) Training social workers for professional and qualified activity and direct them for the improvement of living conditions of persons at increased social vulnerability; c) Provide a learning critical and reflective research for the production of knowledge, with particular relevance in the context of intervention. Skills: a) Ability to design, plan, manage, evaluate and implement social policies; b) Ability to develop and analyze contemporary issues in the theory of Social Services; c) Ability to analyze and critical reflect about the relationship between social work, human rights and social policies; d) Ability to analyze and critical reflect the theoretical, methodological and technical-instrumental intervention of social service; e) Ability to use, adapt and create knowledge for social service agents future intervention strategies. Assessment tools f) Written assessment tests; g) Written and oral; h) Individual work; i) Group work; k) Formal and informal participation; k) Internship report.

Admission Requirements

Those interested can apply for the course through one of the following national competitions organized by DGES: National Competition for Access and Admission to Public Higher Education; and Special Regimes. Application may also be possible through the following special competitions, organized by the University of the Azores: Special Competitions for Access and Admission to the University of the Azores (Over 23 Years, Holders of Technological Specialization Diploma, Holders of Higher Professional Technician Diploma, Holders of Other Higher Education Courses, Holders of dual certification courses in secondary education and specialized artistic courses); Regimes of Re-entry and Change of Institution / Course; Special competition for access and admission of international students to the University of the Azores. In all cases, the application is dependent on the candidates' compliance with the conditions required for this purpose. For more information on national competitions and the conditions of access and admission, consult the DGES page at, and for information on special competitions, consult the regulations available on our website.

Professional Opportunities

Social worker in public or private, social solidarity or other institutions; Integration in interdisciplinary social intervention teams; Promotion of own business initiatives.


Ponta Delgada

Course Code


ECTS Credits



3.5 Years

Study Regime

Full- or part-time attendance, presence required in daytime schedule


  • Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
  • ACEF/1920/0104227
  • Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior
  • R/A-Ef 2843/2011 de 18-03-2011

Study Program

Code Name Year Semester
0102058History of Institutions and Social Work1st year1st semester
0102037Introduction to Demography1st year1st semester
0102047Introduction to Sociology1st year1st semester
0102018Introduction to Statistics 1st year1st semester
0103031The Fundamentals of Law1st year1st semester
0104685Developmental Psychology1st year2nd semester
0106058Family Law and Minors1st year2nd semester
0102073Methods of Demografhic Analysis1st year2nd semester
0105071Social Psychology1st year2nd semester
0105341Theory and Methodology of Social Work I1st year2nd semester
0105224Introduction to Social Research Methods and Techniques2nd year1st semester
0101993Microsociology2nd year1st semester
0103032Social Legislation2nd year1st semester
0102007Social Policy2nd year1st semester
0105232Theory and Methodology of Social Work II2nd year1st semester
0106050Intervention in Exclusion Contexts2nd year2nd semester
0103128Methods and Techniques of Social Research2nd year2nd semester
0102049Sociology of the Family2nd year2nd semester
0106053Vocational Social Work Contexts2nd year2nd semester
0105003Counselling Psychology3rd year1st semester
0102043Ethics and Deontology 3rd year1st semester
0105805Public Policies and Citizenship3rd year1st semester
0102064Sociology of Development 3rd year1st semester
0104903Administration and Entrepeneurship3rd year2nd semester
0106059Intervention in Families, Individuals, Groups and Communities3rd year2nd semester
0102002Planning and Projects Evaluation3rd year2nd semester
0106056Traineeship and Technical-Scientific Accompaniment I3rd year2nd semester
0106054Research Laboratory in Social Work4th year1st semester
0106060Social Work Intervention Seminar4th year1st semester
0106051Traineeship and Technical-Scientific Accompaniment II4th year1st semester

Optional Curricular Subjects

Code Name Year Semester
0103116Contemporary History of Portugal IOptionalSemestrial
0103161Contemporary History of Portugal IIOptionalSemestrial
0105827Contemporary History of the AzoresOptionalSemestrial
0106052Modern History of Portugal IOptionalSemestrial
0106049Modern History of Portugal IIOptionalSemestrial
0105940Modern History of the AzoresOptionalSemestrial
0105045Health PsychologyOptional1st semester
0103080Psychology of Emotions Optional1st semester
0105047Psychology of MotivationOptional1st semester
0102012Sociology of CultureOptional1st semester
0102054Sociology of OrganizationsOptional1st semester
0102060Sociology of everyday lifeOptional1st semester
0102069Sociology of workOptional1st semester
0102000Contemporary Sociological Theories Optional2nd semester
0103165Contemporary historyOptional2nd semester
0102003Economics SociologyOptional2nd semester
0105698PsychopathologyOptional2nd semester
0101998Sociology of CommunicationOptional2nd semester
0102001Sociology of planning Optional2nd semester
0103156Twentieth Century HistoryOptional2nd semester