PhD in Biology

Ano Letivo 2024/2025

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The 3rd cycle of studies in Biology (3CBIO) aims to train highly qualified researchers in the field of biology that demonstrate innovative capacity and competencies to design and implement research and development projects, in an original and autonomous way. The advanced training that is offered as part of this cycle of studies is based on the acquisition of knowledge and familiarization with advanced techniques in the field of biology, but also in learning and internalization of the scientific method, as well as in the development of analytical and advanced communication skills.


Objectives of this cycle of studies: a) Promote advanced knowledge in various fields of biology; b) Develop the ability to design and implement research projects in a fundamental and applied perspective; c) Promote the development of skills for the interpretation of scientific information in the field of Biology; d) Promote the development of relational interaction capabilities within interdisciplinary research teams, enabling teamwork aimed at identifying and formulating relevant scientific problems; e) Develop the ability to carry out original research of international quality in the field of Biology; f) Contribute to extending the frontiers of knowledge in the area of Biology and its intersection with other areas of knowledge, in and out of natural and/or exact sciences, thereby promoting the scientific, technological and social progress.

Admission Requirements

May apply for the 3rd Cycle in Biology: a) Holders of a master's degree or legal equivalent whose resume reveals an adequate training basis to carry out this cycle of studies; b) Holders of a bachelor degree recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out the cycle of studies by the legal and statutorily competent scientific body of UAc; c) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out the cycle of studies by the legal and statutorily competent scientific body of UAc.

Professional Opportunities

Higher education teacher; Scientific researcher; Consultant.


Ponta Delgada

Course Code


ECTS Credits



3 Years

Study Regime

Full-time attendance, in daytime schedule.

Information coming soon.