Bachelor in Elementary Education

Ano Letivo 2024/2025

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Generic objectives defined for the study programme: a) To promote the acquisition of specific scientifc knowledge in core areas of elementary education curricula; b) To promote the acquisiton of scientific knowledge that allows for the construction of an encompassing view of education - one that takes its foundations into consideration, as well as the diversity and the complexity of educational situations; c) To train professionals of education capable of mobilizing knowledge in an integrated way, aiming at the interpretation and at the critical analysis of educational phenomena, as well as problem solving in different educational contexts; d) To support the construction of training projects whereby the importance of lifelong learning in the construction of professional identity is acknowledged; e) To facilitate the development of the student as a person, as a citizen and as an autonomous, responsible, reflective and innovative educator.


Completing this study cycle will allow students: a) To master knowledge in the areas of teaching that support educational action in elementary education, including educational and didactical knowledge; b) To analyze the organization of the Portuguese educational system, its situation within the international context, as well as educational communities, in order to set educational priorities; c) To characterize the child in a multiplicity of dimensions, in order to ensure an adequate educational practice; d) To plan and perform, either individually or in groups, a wide range of educational activities that enhance meaningful and integrated learning, as well as socialization; e) To develop a critical attitude and to use research as a tool to address the educational reality; f) To critically analyze one's own educational action, as well as the educational action of other actors, and adjusting it continuously to specific needs in different contexts.

Admission Requirements

Those interested can apply for the course through one of the following national competitions organized by DGES: National Competition for Access and Admission to Public Higher Education; and Special Regimes. Application may also be possible through the following special competitions, organized by the University of the Azores: Special Competitions for Access and Admission to the University of the Azores (Over 23 Years, Holders of Technological Specialization Diploma, Holders of Higher Professional Technician Diploma, Holders of Other Higher Education Courses, Holders of dual certification courses in secondary education and specialized artistic courses); Regimes of Re-entry and Change of Institution / Course; Special competition for access and admission of international students to the University of the Azores. In all cases, the application is dependent on the candidates' compliance with the conditions required for this purpose. For more information on national competitions and the conditions of access and admission, consult the DGES page at, and for information on special competitions, consult the regulations available on our website. Prerequisite required for access: Group B - Interpersonal communication

Professional Opportunities

Promotion of educational projects in: Nurseries and kindergartens; 1st and 2nd cycle schools; Social centers, summer camps, ATL; Hospitals, special education centers; Libraries, museums and educational farms. Access to Masters in Teaching: Pre-School Education; Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Elementary Education; Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Elementary Education; Teaching of the 1st and 2nd Cycle of Elementary Education.


Ponta Delgada

Course Code


ECTS Credits



3 Years

Study Regime

Full- or part-time attendance, presence required in daytime schedule


  • Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
  • PERA/1920/1300266
  • Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior
  • R/A-Cr 86/2014 de 18-06-2014

Study Program

Code Name Year Semester
01100949Elementary Mathematics1st year1st semester
0105777Grammatical Analysis Bases I1st year1st semester
0105786Natural Sciences1st year1st semester
0105745Organization of Educational Systems1st year1st semester
0105751Physical-Motor Education1st year1st semester
0105780Artistic Expressions I1st year2nd semester
01061280Child Development Psychology1st year2nd semester
0105750Grammatical Analysis Bases II1st year2nd semester
0103015History of Portugal and Built Heritage1st year2nd semester
0105760Numbers and Operations1st year2nd semester
0105759Research in Educational Contexts1st year2nd semester
0105776Artistic Expressions II2nd year1st semester
0105737Curriculum Theory and Development2nd year1st semester
0105739Geometry and Measurement2nd year1st semester
0105778Initiation to Professional Practice in Different Contexts2nd year1st semester
0105766Introduction to Literary Education2nd year1st semester
0105756Societies, Territories and Human Action2nd year1st semester
0105795Childrens Literature2nd year2nd semester
0105793Expressions and Multimedia Communication2nd year2nd semester
0105792Human Body and Health2nd year2nd semester
0105788Introduction Professional Practice in Pre-school2nd year2nd semester
0105775Mathematical Language and Introduction to Algebra2nd year2nd semester
0105779Special Educational Needs and Learning Difficulties2nd year2nd semester
01061319Didactics of Artistic Expressions and Physical-Motor Education3rd year1st semester
01061308Didactics of Mathematics3rd year1st semester
01061291Didactics of Portuguese3rd year1st semester
0105752Introduction to Professional Practice in 1st Cycle of Basic Education3rd year1st semester
0105790Orality and Writing Workshop3rd year1st semester
0105740Philosophy of Education3rd year1st semester
0106034Statistical Laboratory3rd year1st semester
01061325Didática do Estudo do Meio3rd year2nd semester
0105748Experimental Basis Sciences3rd year2nd semester
01061336Introduction to Professional Practice in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education3rd year2nd semester
0105773Sociology of Education3rd year2nd semester
0105741Workshop - Integration of Idioms3rd year2nd semester

Optional Curricular Subjects

Code Name Year Semester
0105783Complements of Societies, Territories and Human ActionOptional2nd semester
0105768Mathematical ApplicationsOptional2nd semester
01061347Textual Understanding and ProductionOptional2nd semester